Say Hello to a Pet Care Pro! An Interview with Julia Smead of Boston Fetch

Welcome to the inaugural Boston Fetch Pet Care Pro interview series - highlighting the best and brightest dog walkers and cat sitters this side (and the other) of the Mississippi. At Boston Fetch we value talent and compassion in our team members above all else and as a result we have put together a unique group of animal lovers that we are proud to share with you over the course of this series.

For the very first Pet Care Pro interview we’d like you to meet Julia Smead. With an education in video game design, a lifetime of experience with dogs, and a passion for helping animals in need she is the embodiment of Boston Fetch’s spirit.

First off, and most importantly, tell us about the pets in your life.

JULIA: I grew up with Westies! Daisy and Dash. Dash is, and I mean this in the nicest way, a bit dumb, but in the most fantastic and loving way! Since I’ve moved to Massachuesets following graduation, they have stayed home with my parents. That is part of the reason I work with Boston Fetch - to have dogs in my life while mine are back in New York. Dogs have always been able to put me in a great mood!

In addition to working with the dogs of Boston Fetch I understand you volunteer with a cat shelter?

JULIA: Yes, I’ve been working with the Gifford Cat Shelter in Brighton, Massachusetts since the summer of 2022. I was compelled to work with the organization - a no-kill, free roam shelter for cats in need - due to their compassionate mission and engaging website. All the kittens and cats have free range to wander, socialize, and play within the shelter instead of spending their days in a more traditional kennel like environment. It’s great watching all the cats being so happy and content while they await their new families. My duties include basic cat care and upkeep of the facilities the cats all live and play in. There are volunteer roles available for similar positions as well as roles for individuals looking to aid in the socialization of some of the cats. I’m hoping to someday bring home a pair of cats I’ve come to love at the shelter and my partner has even begun to take allergy shots in preparation of their arrival!

You work with so many dogs and cats between your job and your efforts as a volunteer. What is the best piece of advice you feel other new pet owners should have?

JULIA: Always be aware of your surroundings. Your dog has better hearing and a much better nose than you, plus they aren’t distracted by a phone on their walks! Be aware of the world around you as you are out walking your dog and be as attentive to your pet as possible. Expect the unexpected and you and your dog will never be surprised, making for a nice, calming, peaceful walk with your dog.

You’re surrounded by amazing dogs all day, tell us a fun anecdote about one of them, please.

JULIA: Argi! I’ve been walking her a lot recently and she’s been a joy! She has the most distinct, sweet, and intense personality I’ve ever seen in a dog. I was almost intimidated by her uniqueness at first, and after earning her trust she has really opened up to me in the most heartwarming ways. She’s a huge fan of running around the arboretum and it’s a highlight of my day to be able to take her there.

It’s time for the Lightning Round!

Q: As a dog walker do you prefer trudging through a chilly northeastern snowstorm or braving the blazing Boston summer heat?

A: Give me a snowstorm!

Q: Give us a list of recommended video games, please.

A: Gorogoa is a beautiful, hand drawn puzzle game that is highly recommended. Same with the Rusty Lake series. Unpacking has been a recent favorite. And also …Overwatch (no judgment please!)

Q: If dogs wore pants, would they wear them on just their back two legs or on all four legs?

A: Just the back two legs! Their front legs are called arms!

Thank you so much to Julia for letting us pick her brain and learn more about the rad team of Pet Care Pros we’ve built at Boston Fetch. If you think your dog or cat would like to spend some time with a caring soul like Julia head over to our website,, and request a Meet and Greet. We offer a variety of services from solo and group dog walks, to dog and cat boarding. 

And if you are looking to volunteer with the amazing Gifford Cat Shelter you can find their information here